Build to endure.

Although DSA can count its lifespan in decades, the structure of the organization has been altered drastically by the influx of new members. For some, this is their first experience working collectively. Others have years of experience and worn out shoes from marches, canvassing, and picket lines. Coupled with DSA’s big tent philosophy, we must find better ways to define boundaries and work together to animate the organization. These stories are of triumphs and so-called failures, they are only failures if we fail to learn from them. It is no small thing to want to change the world, let alone put one’s body in motion to do so.

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Why I’m a Freirian-Hortonian socialist

“Rather than further classify and define options you’ve probably already heard of, I’d like to introduce you to one that you haven’t. It’s the tradition with which I identify most strongly, but doesn’t have a ready-to-hand label.”

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Local Action Strategy

Starting from scratch usually isn’t necessary. People have been organizing around the same issues that we, as socialists, want to. Building trust with communities already working on them is crucial to effective organizing.


Analyzing the Big Tent: Three Directions for DSA

“At its best, DSA is on the edge of being something with a ‘mass’ character, meaning an organization or party that is not separate from people’s everyday lives, but is the glue that holds people and entire communities together as they seek to change the world collectively.”