Sex Work Decriminalization

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Affected Items & Short Rationale

  • Resolution 53

    • This resolution has DSA endorse the decriminalization of sex work as a policy. It also calls for the national organization and chapters to consider political candidates’ positions on sex work decriminalization when making endorsements, and it calls on chapters to develop stronger relationships with sex workers and sex worker-led organizations.

Why Is Build Endorsing R53?

  • Sex is work, and sex workers are workers. Plain and simple. We need to fight for them to control and direct their own work, like any other worker.

  • Sex workers are a crucial part of the working class, and they must be included as part of any working class coalition for building socialism.

    • Decriminalization is neither a “niche” nor a “side” issue; it is a central fight for the labor movement and for socialist feminism.

  • The urgency to support sex worker organizing has become even greater since the passage of SESTA/FOSTA in 2018.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Concern: Would decriminalization legalize sex trafficking?

Answer: Sex work is not trafficking. Sex work is the exchange of sexual services for money or something of value. Sex workers all have different reasons for doing sex work. Some choose sex work among other well-paying jobs; some are in circumstances where they resort to sex work even if it wouldn’t be their first choice. Decriminalizing sex work doesn’t enable human trafficking. 

Concern: Why is it so important for our endorsed candidates to support this issue?

Answer: The state’s attacks on sex workers are a major facet of state violence against working class people, especially queer people and people of color. This is a crucial struggle for people striving to live free from the domination of capitalist, white surpemacist patriarchy.